Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Outright Theft

We used to have something in this country called Due Process. You know, that pesky little thing where you had the right to a trial, innocent until proven guilty, jury of your peers, oh hell, the freaking Constitution and its limitations on those corrupt retards we call Government?

The 14th Amendment specifically states:
Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

The 5th Amendment also mentions due process.

And yet, the lovely War On Drugs, has brought yet another fun tool of tyranny to the fore:
Property seizure by police called 'highway piracy'

Law enforcement authorities in this East Texas town of 1,000 people seized property from at least 140 motorists between 2006 and 2008, and, to date, filed criminal charges against fewer than half, according to a San Antonio Express-News review of court documents.

Virtually anything of value was up for grabs: cash, cell phones, personal jewelry, a pair of sneakers, and often, the very car that was being driven through town. Some affidavits filed by officers relied on the presence of seemingly innocuous property as the only evidence that a crime had occurred.

That's right. These thugs, who happen to have little pieces of pretty pot metal on their chests, guns on their hips, and an attitude that they are somehow above those that they are supposed to "serve", are basically conducting armed robbery of citizens who are passing through. They blackmail them with threats of charges and imprisonment, apparently frequently with no basis, and then take their property from them.

Now, if that property was potentially evidence, and a receipt was issued and charges filed, and then were that property returned after acquittal in a court of law, we'd be having a different conversation. Instead, these useful idiots and their so called leaders use pitiful excuses such as "without these policies, we couldn't afford more stuff". That's great, you steal from me to buy yourself more toys to use to steal from me again next week.

This isn't limited to the Highway Patrol though, oh no. These seizure laws also apply to people buying drugs in the ghetto - the Police like to take their car. Simply for buying drugs. Nevermind that the people they're confiscating the car from are usually too destitute to buy another. Nevermind that sometimes its not even the property of the person driving. Just take it. The same is done when a pot plant is found at a house. Take the whole house, and everything in it! It must be the result of drug activity. Cruel and unusual indeed.

Fine, I'm not into drugs much myself, but what is it to me if someone else wants to do them? So long as they're not hurting anyone else, they should be free to do what they please.

As to these guys in Texas, they wonder why there is an ever increasing "us and them" attitude developing. Perhaps they'd rather honest citizens open fire on them right off the bat when they make a traffic stop. After all, if they're going to play at being robbers, it falls on us to act like the cops. And we all know how to behave like cops don't we?!? Shoot first, shoot often, shoot lots, and plant evidence afterwards to make it look like it was justified.

After all, there's more of us than there are of them no? Kinda falls under that whole "Consent of the Governed" thing doesn't it.

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Current Quote

"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it." – Thomas Jefferson